Sometimes, no matter how much you love the place you are renting, you need to move out. If you have never moved out a place before, it can be a little daunting! Well, we are here to help. The following steps should help make the process easier.

Step 1: Give 30-Day Notice
To do this, you will need to write your notice letter and deliver that notice letter to your landlord. We go into more detail on the 30-Day Notice on the following entry (30-Day Notice).
Step 2: Check On Past-Due Rent and Fees
Make sure that all rents and fees have been paid in full. It is not unusual for tenants to think they’ve paid their late fees and come to find out they have not, for example.
Step 3: Fix Anything That Is Broken
Make sure that you repair anything that you have broken while living in the unit.
Step 4: Clean The Apartment/House
This is a very important step, because we want you to receive your entire deposit after you leave. The apartment must be in the same condition that it was on the day you moved in (minus wear and tear), and that means, it needs to be very clean. Make sure that all of your items are removed from the unit. Do not leave behind furniture or clothes. Clean every possible place you see (and don't see). Use the linked cleaning list, and you should be fine (Cleaning List).
Step 5: Transfer Utilities
Any utilities that your landlord is not paying for will need to be turned off so you don't pay excess utility bills. Examples of utilities include electricity, water, garbage, cable, satellite, telephone and gas. You can just call your utility providers, and they will help you out. For gas, electric, and water service, set the shut-off date for the day after you will be gone, so the landlord will not need to bill you for use.
Step 6: Change Your Home Address
You can simply pick up a change of address form at the local post office, or complete one online at USPS. On the document, you will choose the date the post office should start forwarding your mail, based on your anticipated move-in date. Try to have everything set up two weeks in advance. Everybody in the household that have different last names will need to fill out an individual form. Make sure you contact your employer, doctor, dentist, credit card companies, banks, and anybody else you can think of that will need your new address.
Step 7: Find Your Keys
On the day you leave, the landlord will require you to hand in all community/apartment keys and passcodes. These include badges, apartment keys, mail room keys, gate cards, and any other type of key that you were given when you moved in.
Step 8: Schedule a final walk-through
Schedule your walk-through for the day that you know you will have the unit completely cleaned and cleared of all of your stuff. You’ll want to be there during the inspection, so you can handle any discrepancies on the spot and make sure all notes/comments are accurately recorded.