You have decided to leave your apartment/house, and now you need a 30-day notice. Well, here is what you need to do.

Most leases use 30 days as the magic number. However, there are a few that are longer. Before sending your notice, make sure to check your lease so you know when you need to send your notice.
Sample 30-Day Notice:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
Phone: [Your Phone #]
E-mail: [Your E-mail Address]
[Today’s Date]
[Landlord Name]
[Landlord Address]
Dear Landlord,
Please accept this letter as written notice of my intention to vacate my apartment at [Address You Are Leaving] on [Date of Planned Move]. Per the lease agreement, this letter fulfills the [Number of Days to Vacate]-day notice requirement.
My forwarding address will be:
[New Street Address]
I would like to schedule a walkthrough in the week prior to my move for an inspection of my apartment. I believe that the apartment is in good condition and my security deposit of $_____ should be refunded in full.
Thank you for your time and consideration on the above matter.
[Your Signature]
[Your Full Name]
Ways To Send Written Notice:
Most landlords will accept and be fine with any form of written notice, but the following are the official ways to give notice in Iowa. In order to get the notice to your landlord, here is what you need to do according to Iowa Code 562A.8(B).

If you are not in Iowa, it is probably very similar. However, you should check your local or state statutes and rules of civil procedure.
When all is said and done, a 30-Day Notice is pretty simple. Just write it and send it. Make sure that your landlord receives it before the new month starts!!! Good luck!